Below we have the Comdial Impact DSU2 and Impressions series manuals, plus the Comdial Hotel phone, the Impact Concierge. You may also want to explore other pages of Comdial Manuals we have, and the DX-80 & DX-120 manuals.
How You can Determine which Comdial Model Telephone You Use
Comdial Impact Attendant for Windows Installation Guide
Comdial Impact Attendant for Windows User Guide
Comdial Impact Call Installation Guide
Comdial Impact Call User Guide
Comdial Impact DSU II Attendant Guide
Comdial Impact DSU II LCD Speakerphone Guide
Comdial Impact DSU II Non LCD Speakerphone Guide
Comdial Impact DSU Installation Manual
Comdial Impact DSU Video Display Terminal Program Manual
Comdial Impact Quick Reference Guide
Comdial Impact Scout II Guide
Comdial Impact SCS Large Screen Ref Manual
Comdial Impact SCS LCD Speaker Station User Guide
Comdial Impact SCS LCD Speaker System Ref Guide
Comdial Impact SCS Non LCD Station User Guide
Comdial Impact SCS Non LCD System Ref Guide
Comdial Impact Spectralink Netlink Phone Manual
Comdial Impact 8024-8012-8312 Reference Guide
Comdial Hotel phone systems were installed in many hotels and motels around the USA and Canada before the companies' bankruptcy, which led to the Concierge system being discontinued. Some of these two decades old systems can be still found still in some hotels, but are very old technology and can be difficult to get worked on or find replacement parts. It's hard to justify dumping any more money into these older systems as a new motel phone system will likely pay for itself by offering better services to guests. Now is a great time to replace these antiquated systems with a new hotel phone system. Prices for some hospitality phone systems are the best they have ever been.
Comdial Impact Concierge Attendant Guide
Comdial HoTelephone Model 3809x
Comdial HoTelephone Models 3910S-3810X
These are the Impression guides for the DX, DX+, and FX Comdial PBX phone systems. Many of these older systems still operate in many businesses and proved to have been a durable phone system. However, they are quite antiquated with older technology so many companies are now replacing them. Costs can be quite high for some Comdial replacement telephony cards. Storms and lightning strike damage are a major source of maintenance costs. Now is a great time to move to a replacement PBX phone system. For those that need to replace an older Comdial phone system it's easy. Compare Price Quotes for Business Phone Systems and Save. Simplify your research by answering a few straight-forward questions.
Comdial Impression DXP-DXP+ FX LCD Speaker Sys Ref Manual
Comdial Impression DXP-DXP+ FX Speaker phone Guide
Comdial Impression DXP-DXP+ FX Non LCD Multiline Station Guide
Comdial Impression DXP-DXP+ FX Non LCD phone Ref Manual
Comdial Impression DXP-DXP+ FX Single Line phone Guide
Comdial Impression LCD Station User Guide
Comdial Impression LCD System Ref Guide
Comdial Impression LCD Speakerphone Station User Guide
Comdial Impression LCD Speakerphone System Ref Guide
Comdial Impression Single-line Station User Guide
Corporation was a company involved in the design and marketing of voice
communications solutions for small to mid-sized offices from 1977 to 2005.
Throughout the 1990s Comdial was a large manufacturer of telecommunications
equipment in the USA. After several mismanaged years when telecommunications
services were in high demand Comdial attempted to sell directly to the consumer
with a retail program in order to generate revenue. Soon afterwards Comdial
filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in May 2005, after which it was
purchased by Vertical Communications. Vertical Communications now offers two
primary on-premise phone systems, the Wave IP and the Summit.