AMO Command List for Siemens HiPath
Below you can find a list of AMO commands and a general description for
that command for the Siemens HiPath 4000 IP PBX. Many of these commands are
used with other Siemens HiPath versions as well as HiCom and can be used as a
quick reference sheet for technicians.
NOTE: This list may not be comprehensive and other commands may exist.
List of Siemens HiPath 4000 AMO Commands With Description
AMO Command- AMO Description
- ACDGP- Defining ACD group attributes
- ACDRS- Defining ACD route selection schemes
- ACDRT- Defining ACD routing tables
- ACDSD- Defining ACD system data
- ACMSM- ACL manager communication parameters
- ACSU- Attendant console configuration
- ACTDA- Activation of subscriber features
- AFR- Automatic fault report
- AGENT- Defining ACD agent attributes
- ANSU- Entering the systems numbers into the swu database
- ANUM- System number
- APC- Application configuration
- APP- Appending of files
- APRT- access point routing table - IPDA - IP shelves
- APS- Software load program
- ASPIK- Change system program with MML command
- ASSGN- input/output device assignment
- ATCSM- Asynchronous terminal configuration, service module
- AUN- Call pickup groups
- AUTH- AMO execution authorization
- AUTHO- Display stations with trunk authorization
- BACK- Automatic backup of program library
- BCSM- Board configuration- service module
- BCSU- Board configuration- switching unit
- BDAT- Configuration of module data
- BERUM- Class of service switchover
- BERUZ- Times at which class of service switchover is to occur
- BSSM- Board switch- service modules
- BSSU- Board switch- switching unit
- BST- Background signaling task
- BUEND- Trunk group
- CABA- Callback function for LDU
- CDBR- Customer data and restore
- CDSM- Cabinet configuration display of system sever
- CDSU- Cabinet configuration display of system swu
- CHESE- Executive / secretary arrangements
- CLIST- List cyclic files
- CMP- Comparison of files
- CODEW- Code word for administration lock in SWU
- COFEA- Central Office features
- COMGR- Communications group calling
- CONSY- Management of system configuration data
- COP- Class of parameter for device handler
- COPY- Coping of files
- COT- Class of trunk for call processing
- CPSM- Communication parameters for the data links
- CPTP- Communication parameters for tcp/ip connection
- CRON- Time-schedule command
- CTIME- Customer specific cp timers, switching unit
- DAGR- smdr/dmdr file sizes
- DASM- Hard disk area allocation - physical data processing (dp) applications
- DATE- Alteration of system date and/or time
- DAVF- smdr/dmdr display characteristics at the attendant console
- DBAMO- Database AMO
- DBC- Database configuration
- DCIC- Configuration of dci
- DCSM- Disk configuration
- DDNTF- msg. Statistics and delivery / notification instructions
- DDRSM- Device double recording server module
- DDSM- Disk status
- DEBUG- Access to the system debug facility
- DEFPP- Set up and administration of the paying party table
- DEL- Deletion of files
- DIAGS- Administration of diagnostic switches , switching unit3
- DIDCR- Direct inward dial digit conversion rule
- DIMSU- Dimensioning of features , switching unit
- DISA- Direct inward system access
- DISPA- Operating the displayer
- DISPS- Operating the displayer
- DLSM- Hard disk area allocation - logical
- DNIT- Directory number information and translation
- DPSM- Disk area, pair allocation
- DSSM- Disk switchover
- DSSU- Device switch of switching unit
- DTIM1- Device handler timers
- DTIM2- Device handler timers
- DTSM- Type configuration service module
- DUP- Duplication of scsi devices
- DVU- Disk verification utility
- FAMOS- Remote administration and maintenance- start of amos
- FAMUP- Remote administration and maintenance update
- FBTID- Remote administration and maintenance identification data
- FBTN- Administration of the flag byte and trunk number tables
- FEACG- smdr/dmdr feature list
- FEASU- Customer feature list
- FETA- smdr/dmdr public/national holiday table
- FORM- Hard disk formatting
- FTBL- smdr/dmdr table formats
- FTCSM- File transfer configuration of service module
- FTRNS- File transfer
- FUNSU- System of switches of SWU
- GEFE- Call charge recording on terminating a connection
- GEFIN- Initialization of the critical time metering run
- GENDB- Generation of database with MML command file
- GETAB- cm charge data display from cdrs files (cdr station)
- GETPD- cm deletion of cdrs files
- GEZAB- smdr/dmdr data output frequency
- GEZU- smdr/dmdr device allocation
- GRA- Get reset alarm
- GRZW- smdr/dmdr connection limits
- HDINF- Hard disk content information
- HFAB- IP connection device configuration
- HIDMP- Adjust and give out of dump-data
- HISTA- Read hts history file
- HISTO History File
- HOTLN- Hotline/off hook intercept destinations
- INFO- File information
- INIT- Hard disk area initializing
- KCSU- Key system configuration/assignment in switching unit
- KDEV- Creation and administration of CDR customer files
- KDFOR- smdr/dmdr short form for call charge data output
- KNFOR- Administration of node format tables
- KNMAT- Node data for networking
- KNPRE- Administration of prefix table of node
- LANC- LAN configuration
- LAORT- LCR area code/office restriction table
- LAUTH- Administration of LCR authorization codes
- LCR- Class of service
- LCSM- Line configuration, service module
- LDAT- LCR directions
- LDB- Load database
- LDPLN- Administration LCR dial plan
- LEMAN- Change station attributes and DID in-dial number
- LIST- Listing of files
- LODR- Administration of LCR out dial rules
- LOGBK- MML logbook
- LRNGZ- Speed calling dialing central, lists
- LSCHD- Administration of LCR schedules
- LSSM- Line switch, service module
- LWCMD- Loadware diagnosis command for CDG-board
- LWPAR- Loadware parameters for networking modules
- MFCTA- Administration of multi-frequency code tables
- NAVAR- Administration of static night switch option data
- PASSW- password
- PATCH- Patch administration on hd and (de) activation
- PERSI- Personal identification data
- PETRA- Periphery tracing and dumping
- PRODE- Protocol descriptor for networking
- PSTAT- Peripheral statistic
- PTIME- Timers for peripheral processing
- RCSU- Recorder configuration in the SWU
- RCUT- smdr/dmdr routing code conversion table
- REFTA- Reference clock table
- REGEN- Regenerate customer data from the database
- REN- Renaming files
- REST- Restart of a functional module
- RICHT- Special routing of trunks (also LROUT in 9006)
- RUFUM -Direct inward dialing number configuration
- SA- Hunting arrangements
- SAVCO- Save config.file of a system (susy)
- SAVE- Save subsystem
- SBCSU- Station and s0-bus configuration of switching unit
- SCREN- Screening of calling or connected numbers
- SCSU- Station configuration of switching unit
- SDAT- Administration of subscriber attributes and data
- SDSM- Status output for system server
- SDSU- Status display in switching unit
- SELG- Administration of selection groups and tables
- SELL- smdr/dmdr station / destination lists for selection
- SELS- smdr.dmdr selection group switches
- SIGNL- Error signaling control
- SIPCO- System IP data configuration.
- SONUS- Daylight saving / standard time switchover
- SPES- Supervision parameter of external server
- SSC- Special station configuration
- SSCSU- Special subscriber configuration of switching unit
- STMIB- Configuration of global and feature board data for STMI and NCUI boards
- SXSU- Station exchanging (moves), switching unit
- SYNC- Database synchronization control
- SYNCA- Administration of user specific announcements
- TABT- smdr/dmdr segmentation table for time of day
- TACSU- Configuration of analog trunk circuits in the swu
- TAPRO- Programmable key definition for digital terminals
- TCSM- Terminal configuration of server
- TDCSU- Digital trunks configuration
- TEST- Regression tests, amc,ut,tt
- TEXT- Output text tables
- TGER- Station / device allocation, incoming
- TIDTF- System parameter for TCS and VMS
- TINFO- Administration of system data and notes
- TLZO- Administration of the station assignment tables
- TRACA- Operation of system tracer
- TRACS- Operation of system tracer
- TREF- Maintain and modify t-reference point matrix
- TSCSU- Configuration of special circuits in the swu
- TSU- Test of switching unit
- TTBL- smdr/smdr tariff table
- TWABE- Partial dialing plan for networking
- UCSU- Unit configuration of switching unit
- UPDAT- Updating hard disk database
- UPLO2- Transfer of dms relevant data from switching unit
- UPLOL- Reading of the relevant LCR data for DMS
- USER- User accounts
- USSU- Unit switch of switching unit swu
- VADSM- NMC alarms configuration, server module
- VADSU- NMC alarms configuration, switching unit
- VBZ- Internal traffic restrictions
- VBZA- Internal traffic restrictions for stns with card readers
- VBZGR- Internal traffic restriction for hotlines/off hook recall
- VEGAS- Administration of database generation runs on support system
- VFGKZ- Administration of attendant group dialing codes
- VFGR- Attendant console groups
- VOICO- Voice compression
- WABE- Dialing plans, feature access codes
- XAPC- IX application configuration
- XAPPL- Data processing (dp) applications ACL-C
- ZAND- System data
- ZAUSL- User activity metering
- ZIEL- Destinations for various station features
- ZRNGZ- Central speed calling digit series