Vodavi Phone System Guides

Vodavi Phone System Manuals for Download

Vodavi telephone (STS) available.Here you can download many of the Vodavi Communications phone system manuals such as the Discovery, Infinite and Infostar. Included are the Discovery Technical Guide and the Infinite user and installation guides. For the Vodavi manuals such as the VoiceTrak and the popular Starplus systems look at Vodavi Phone Manuals 2 where you can download those in PDF, plus voicemail administration programming software. Vodavi was taken over by Vertical Communications.

Vodavi Infostar phone systems followed the Starplus. Vodavi Technology was acquired by Vertical Communications, twenty years ago at which time all production and official support ended. While some companies still operate these older legacy systems, more advanced, affordable phone systems are readily available. Businesses routinely upgrade these lagacy systems to more modern solutions. Explore available options and receive tailored quotes by using the link at the bottom of the page.

Vodavi Callsort, Discovery, Infinite, Infostar and Pathfinder Guides

Callsort Guide

Vodavi Callsort Pro Users Guide

Discovery Manuals
Vodavi Discovery ACD User Guide
Vodavi Discovery IP Technical Guide
Infinite Manuals

Vodavi Infinite 4096 Installation Guide
Vodavi Infinite DVX I & II Installation Guide
Vodavi Infinite DVX III Installation Guide
Vodavi Infinite GK816 Installation Guide
Vodavi Infinite SLT User Guide
Vodavi Infinite Station User Guide

Infostar VX2 Guides

Vodavi InfoStar VX2 Administration Guide
Vodavi Infostar VX2 Quick Reference Guide
Vodavi Infostar VX2 User Guide

Pathfinder and MiniVoice Manuals

Vodavi MiniVoice Admin & User Manual
Vodavi Pathfinder User Guide

Vodavi Communications

For the best prices on renewed Vodavi telephones from a trusted vendor;
Vodavi 3515-71 Phone
Vodavi XTS 3012-71 8 Button Speaker Display Phone
Vodavi Starplus STS SP-3516-71 Display Speaker Phone

Vodavi Communications company information.Vodavi Technology, Inc., once a publicly traded company based in Phoenix, AZ, was founded in 1983 and made phone systems for 13 years. In 2006 they were absorbed by Vertical Communications in a 31 million dollar acquisition.
Vertical no longer manufactures or supports Vodavi Phone Systems, such as the Starplus and others, but replacement hardware can be found from suppliers. Refurbished Vodavi equipment remains available. As of 2025, Vertical Communications continues to offer upgrade options for legacy Vodavi phone systems to their newer UC systems.

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